Rev. Martin M. Donnelly, O.P. (a.k.a. Mark M. and Martin William)

This assignment record describes the the various names under which Donnelly was indexed and listed in the Official Catholic Directory. See also a streamlined version of Donnelly's assignment record.

Donnelly is called Martin William Donnelly in the Oregonian's Table of Claims. In the Official Catholic Directory, he is called M.M., Martin M., Mark, Martin, and Mark M. Sometimes he is double listed in the Directory, once as Mark Donnelly and once as Martin Donnelly. After studying the Directory listings, we have concluded that all these names refer to the same person.]

1950-1955  Holy Rosary in Portland OR. Parish school had 155-208 pupils. (Listed in the Directory as M.M. Donnelly, O.P.)

1955-1956  St. Dominic’s in San Francisco CA. Parish school had 331 students. (Indexed in the Directory as M.M., listed as Martin M.)

1956-1960   St. John Vianney High School in Los Angeles CA, teacher. Had 404 boys in 1956-57. (Indexed in the Directory and listed as Mark)

1960-1961  Holy Rosary in Portland OR, in residence. (Indexed in the Directory and listed as Martin. In the 1961 Directory, Donnelly is indexed as continuing to teach at St. John Vianney in LA, a Dominican school, and is called Mark. But the entry for the school in the LA pages no longer lists Donnelly. In the 1961 Directory, Donnelly is indexed and listed as being in residence at Holy Rosary in Portland, a Dominican parish.]

1961-1966  Blessed Sacrament in Seattle WA, pastor. Parish school had 260 students. (Double-indexed in the Directory as Martin and Mark; listed once as Martin M. In the 1962 Directory, Donnelly is indexed twice, as Mark and as Martin, with the location Blessed Sacrament in Seattle, a Dominican parish; in the Seattle pages, Mark M. is listed as pastor of this parish.)

1966-1967  St. Dominic's in Benicia CA in Sacramento diocese, in residence. (Indexed in the Directory as Martin at Blessed Sacrament in Seattle but not listed there. Indexed as Mark at St. Dominic's in Benicia, a Dominican parish, and listed there as Mark M.)

1967-1969 State Penitentiary in Salem OR, chaplain. (Indexed in the Directory and listed as Martin. Also indexed as Mark, still in Belencia CA, but the parish listing does not include Donnelly. In the 1970-72 Directories, Donnelly continues to be double-indexed to Salem and Benicia, but he is listed in neither place. In Salem, Rev. Edward Spear OSB has been moved to Donnelly's Penitentiary chaplaincy.)

Source: Assembled by from the Official Catholic Directory (New York: Kenedy and Sons, 1951-72). The Directory aims to report the whereabouts of Catholic priests in the United States on January 1 of the Directory's publication year. We assume that a priest listed in the Directory for a given year was at the same assignment for part of the previous year as well. Assignment records are a work in progress and we are always improving the records that we post. Please email us with new information and corrections.

Note: Donnelly is accused of molesting two girls at Holy Rosary in Portland OR in 1951-55. The Directory lists a Donnelly at Holy Rosary in those years, but it calls him M.M. Donnelly O.P.


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