Ads Rejected by Nets, Church Turns to Blog Ads

MarketVOX [Boston MA]
March 9, 2005

The United Church of Christ, after having its ads rejected by television networks for starkly emphasizing the church's acceptance of gay members, turned to the internet - and in particular a blog network - to carry its awareness campaign. The plainly frustrated media buyer for the UCC said, "In the tradition of this nation's earliest pamphleteers, bloggers are sharing news and information as a mark of a truly free society, not as something that can be controlled and manipulated by multi-national corporations." It has become a regular sport for advocacy groups like PETA and now even some large brands to deliberately force networks to reject ads, knowing they will likely get much press out of the rejection. Beer companies and other firms had internet viral marketing campaigns ready to seed and launch the moment Superbowl executives rejected raunchy ads in January. But the UCC was both surprised and frustrated when its message emphasizing tolerance was declined by TV networks, presumably out of fear of increased conservative regulation by the Federal Communications Commission. This week, the church announced it has conducted a wide buy on the BlogAds network, a marketplace where advertisers can plan and buy blog media campaigns.


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