Victim Speaks out against Sexual against Catholic Priests

By Michelle Cole
KEYT [California]
June 19, 2007

A victim is speaking exclusively to KEY NEWS about the latest developments in the case. Just Monday a Los Angeles Judge ruled that the personnel files of Catholic Priests who abused two dozen local children will be made public.

Bob Eckert was in a boys choir when he was sexually assaulted during a trip to Europe. Eckert told his story to KEY NEWS several years ago and now he's sharing it again because some survivors say going public helps prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

It happened when Bob Eckert was 10 and it was a secret until he was 25. Eckert is among the priest sexual abuse victims in the Tri counties who were a part of the lawsuit demanding that names and addresses of the offenders be made public.

He is also sharing the 28-million dollar settlement against the Franciscan order. Eckert is a former Marine, who owns a construction company.

He's married, plans to have children and admits he'll be overly protective. When people call him brave for going public and he admits it's not easy. KEY NEWS Reporter Michelle Cole shows us the interview.


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