Diocese Continues Training in Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

Daily Press [Marquette, MI]
July 2, 2007

Marquette — The Catholic Diocese of Marquette trained more than 240 people in the prevention of child and youth sexual abuse at 20 awareness sessions held throughout the Upper Peninsula during 2006-2007. That brings the total number of adults trained since the fall of 2003 to more than 2,800.

Diocesan policy requires this safe environment training for all clergy, diocesan staff, and parish and Catholic school employees and volunteers who work regularly with children or youth or are in a position to observe those who do.

In compliance with the charter, the diocese has a Diocesan Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People, the majority of whose members are lay persons not in the employ of the diocese. The board reviews diocesan policies and procedures for dealing with sexual abuse of minors and assists the bishop in assessing allegations and fitness for ministry.

Because it is important for those who have been abused to seek healing, Bishop Alexander Sample strongly encourages any victims/survivors of sexual abuse or sexual exploitation by a clergy member, religious, church employee or volunteer to make a complaint to the diocese if they have not already done so.

There are three ways to file a complaint: Contact the Diocesan Victim Advocate Coordinator, Rosalyn Groves, by phone on the following dedicated, toll-free line: 866-857-6459, or e-mail: Call the Diocesan Director of Ministry Personnel, Steve Lynott, at 800-562-9745, ext. 107. If Lynott is unavailable, call Bishop Sample at 800-562-9745, ext. 115. Or write to: Steve Lynott, Director of Ministry Personnel, Diocese of Marquette, P. O. Box 1000, Marquette, MI 49855. The letter should be marked "Personal and Confidential" and indicate whether a response is desired by phone, by letter or in a meeting.

The Diocese's sexual misconduct policy is posted on the diocese's website:


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