Woodlawn Pastor Pleads Guilty in Child Sex Abuse

Associated Press, carried in WJZ
August 16, 2007

It's another prison sentence for the pastor of a Woodlawn church accused of sexually abusing boys in his


Forty-one-year-old Gerald Griffith pleaded guilty Thursday in Towson to child sexual abuse in a case involving five Baltimore County accusers.

Forty-one-year-old Gerald Griffith pleaded guilty Thursday in Towson to child sexual abuse in a case involving five Baltimore County accusers.

Griffith was a pastor at Redemption Christian Fellowship Church.

He was ordered to serve eight years in prison. The sentence is concurrent to a 15 year sentence he received in Howard County last month after a jury found him guilty of sexual abuse there.

The victims said Wednesday in court they had viewed Griffith as a father figure.


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