Congregants Offer Questions, Prayers after Infant Jesus of Prague Scandal
Flossmoor Congregants Attend Mass after Church Business Manager Arrested on Theft and Forgery Charges

By Duaa Eldeib
Southtown Star
March 31, 2008,033108ijpfolo.article

Parishioners at Infant Jesus of Prague Church on Sunday prayed for forgiveness for anyone who wronged the community.

For at least some of the congregation's members, that prayer included church business manager Beverly Houston, who was charged last week with felony theft and forgery for allegedly stealing more than $259,000 from the Flossmoor church from April 2006 to October 2007 to feed a gambling habit.

Monroe Morgan, a parishioner and usher from Homewood, expressed his adamant disapproval.

"It was a terrible thing to happen," he said. "If she's in jail, I think that's where she should be. The whole thing was disappointing, absolutely."

The Rev. William E. Killeen, who has kept tight-lipped and virtually out of sight during the scandal, was at church after the services but did not comment. Houston is the third business manager accused of wrongdoing under Killeen's watch in four years.

Morgan also was upset by an apparent lack of oversight by Killeen.

"At least we know he was at fault for not knowing how to make sure this wouldn't happen," Morgan said.

Archdiocese spokeswoman Susan Burritt said the Rev. Frank Cimarrusti will continue serving as pastor in Killeen's place through at least June, though Killeen will remain the official pastor. Police said Killeen is not a target of the investigation into the alleged theft that led to Houston's arrest.

Although the incident wasn't discussed during Mass, it was on people's minds.

"You don't want to hear what I have to say," said one member who declined to give his name.

But not all parishioners let the missing cash put a damper on their weekly experience. Joseph Hanley sang portions of the Lord's Prayer during service. As he and his wife, Kristy, walked out into the drizzling morning, they remained optimistic.

"It hasn't really changed the church," Joseph Hanley said.

"We're still happy," Kristy Hanley said.

And though Park Forest resident Denyse Carreras was dismayed by the charges against Houston, she prayed for her.

"I feel saddened. It's disappointing," she said. "But things like this happen. We'll be OK."

Houston, of the 9300 block of South Paxton Avenue in Chicago, remained in Cook County Jail in lieu of $100,000 bail.

Even those who knew little about the case felt confident the church would recover. Julie Pliner, of Crete, doesn't normally attend Infant Jesus of Prague Church. She turned to her faith as she sat through services Sunday.

"The way I keep my faith is to realize these people who do these things are human," she said.

Duaa Eldeib can be reached at or (708) 633-5960.


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