Archdiocese Releases More New Documents in Priest Abuse Cases

By Ashbel S. Green
The Oregonian
April 15, 2008

In a surprise move, Portland Archbishop John G. Vlazny today released 2,000 pages of documents on priests accused of sexually abusing Oregon children.

Vlazny described the release in a statement as "part of the healing process and in the interest of transparency."

Bud Bunce, a spokesman for the Archdiocese, said the release had nothing to do with Pope Benedict XVI's trip to the United States or his apology for church's sex abuse scandal.

Portland attorneys who have filed sex abuse suits against the Archdiocese expressed bafflement over the unscheduled release, which comes less than 2 weeks after one round of failed mediation and a day before another is set to start.

"I don't know how the Archdiocese thinks," said attorney Kelly Clark. "I just don't get it."

Erin Olson, who is scheduled to begin mediation Wednesday, said she had no idea what was in the new batch of documents. But Olson said she doubts the release includes documents she is fighting hardest to release.

"They identify priests that have never been identified and include priests who continue to be placed in public ministries," she said.

In 2004, Portland became the first archdiocese in the country to seek bankruptcy protection from priest sex abuse litigation. A 2007 settlement plan set aside about $70 million for priest accusers. And Vlazny promised to release church personnel files involving abusive priests.

The archdiocese released a batch of documents a few months later, but lawyers for the church and plaintiffs' attorneys have been fighting over what else to release ever since.

In his statement, Vlazny explained that he opposed releasing documents involving priests where the accusations were weak or uncorroborated.

"We have made what we believe is a fair decision on document disclosure based on sound guiding principles and will continue on this course." Vlazny wrote. "We hope that the continuing release of documents in the spirit of healing and reconciliation will bring peace to the lives of those who have been harmed."

-- Ashbel S. (Tony) Green;


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