Delray Beach Priest Says He Will Appeal Conviction of Theft from Church
Former Pastor in Delray Beach Says He Spent $10,000, Not $99,999-Plus

By Andy Reid
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
March 27, 2009,0,5058148.story

A day after getting a four-year prison sentence for stealing church funds, a former Delray Beach pastor maintained that the charges against him were overblown and the punishment was unfair.

In an interview with WPTV-Ch. 5 on Thursday, the Rev. Francis Guinan said he did not steal hundreds of thousands of dollars as alleged but instead used about $10,000 on trips that included Las Vegas, the Bahamas and Ireland. Guinan said he returned to Ireland for his sister's funeral.

Guinan on Wednesday was sentenced to four years in prison and ordered to repay $99,999 — the maximum amount allowed.

Prosecutors said that from 2003 to 2005 Guinan stole from St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church of Delray Beach to take trips to Ireland and Las Vegas, eat at expensive restaurants and pay for personal credit card expenses.

On Tuesday, Guinan's predecessor at the church, the Rev. John Skehan, was sentenced to 14 months in prison for grand theft of more than $100,000 from St. Vincent's. Investigators said Skehan stole $370,000 that he spent on a girlfriend, trips, homes and other property in Florida and his native Ireland.

"I felt abused," Guinan said about his 19 months as pastor. "I realized I was drinking, but did not abuse or gamble with parish money ... as they said I did during the trial."

When asked about having a girlfriend and going on trips, Guinan said: "I had a heart attack in 2002. The idea of having a sex life was not in the cards."

Guinan said his resistance to an audit drew the ire of the diocese and charges of wrongdoing followed. He said he plans to appeal his sentence.

Andy Reid can be reached at or 561-228-5504.


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