Group Protests Catholic Abuse
Protestors Gather Downtown in Attempt to Bring Attention to Orphanage Abuse

June 17, 2009

SAN ANTONIO -- Protesters were out in full force today at a downtown hotel, where hundreds of Catholic bishops are holding their annual summer meeting. The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, held a demonstration outside of the downtown Hyatt Regency Wednesday afternoon.

Members of SNAP talked about the turmoil that is currently going on in Ireland, over a Government report that details decades of abuse in church-run orphanages there.

Abuse victims at the protest suggested that the Government get involved in similar cases here.

"Hopefully, this helps people become aware of what is still a huge problem here," abuse victim Josie Macias said. "We're saying just as it's a huge problem in Ireland, that even the Government is getting involved, that's what we need here."

Another group,, also released a list of what they call "troubled U.S. Catholic orphanages." The Saint Anthony High School Seminary, located here in San Antonio, is on that list.


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