Dead Priest Accused of Sexual Child Abuse and the Pope Is Still Crazy

By Trina Hoaks
June 18, 2009

Richard Green, a 31-year-old man, is claiming that he was "repeatedly" sexually abused by a priest when he 14. According to an Associated Press report, Green, who is the nephew of the late New York Cardinal John O'Connor, filed suit in Delaware on Thursday.

Green said that he was molested by the now deceased priest Rev. John McDevitt. Reportedly, he was blackmailed to submit to sessions of time spent alone with the priest under the guise of tutoring. McDevitt supposedly knew that Green was the nephew of the late cardinal and threatened to give him a low grade in religion if he did not attend the "tutoring" sessions.

Green was attending Father Judge High School in Philadelphia when the alleged abuse is said to have occurred.

The report said that "[a] spokesman for McDevitt's Delaware-based religious order declined to comment on the lawsuit but said Green previously had been referred by the Philadelphia archdiocese to the order's victim's assistance coordinator."

The allegations of abuse against Catholic priests continue to roll in. Obviously, these incidents are numerous - evidenced here in the fact that the Philadelphia archdiocese has a "victim's assistance coordinator."

Meanwhile, according to another Associated Press report, the Pope is once again being criticized for the Vatican's actions (or lack thereof) concerning priests who have abused. David Clohessy, director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests said, "'It's tiresome again to see verbal Vatican posturing about clergy sex crimes devoid of any action whatsoever or any admission that the real issue remains: callous bishops who continue to recklessly and deceptively transfer sexually troubled priests to unsuspecting parishes.'"

When will the pope face up to these allegations without following any mention up with a comment of how glorious God and the church are? There are not enough "buts" in the world to excuse, brush aside, or downplay the magnitude of the crimes of abuse and the crime of the massive cover-up. And even though these things may be perfectly permissible in the country of Vatican City, they are crimes against humanity. But as long as Vatican City is its own country allowed to make its own rules, I suspect we will see no "justice" in these matters.

At the very least, though, it would be nice to see some semblance of remorse from the Vatican. Really, how can someone blow their own trumpet so loudly as the pope does in the same breath as talking about such atrocities? According to the report, the pope "... said while such scandals were to be deplored, there was also reason to rejoice because the Roman Catholic Church had so many generous and good pastors at work every day."

The pope also was quoted as saying, "'What is most helpful to the church in such cases is not only a frank and complete acknowledgment of the weaknesses of her ministers, but also a joyful and renewed realization of the greatness of God's gift.'"

Helpful to the church? Are you kidding me? To hell with the church! What is most helpful to the victims should be at the forefront - church be damned.


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