Vatican Denies New Rules for Priests Who Father Children

August 4, 2009

The Vatican has denied an Italian report that the Congregation for Clergy recently convened meetings to look at new sets of rules for the situation created by priests who have relationships with women and father children.

The Italian daily La Stampa reported on Sunday the congregation was considering rules for such cases, which the newspaper described as "very widespread" in developing nations, according to the National Catholic Reporter.

According to the La Stampa report, the rules under consideration would create a "guarantee of social rights" for the women and children involved, including the right of any offspring to be included among the priest's legitimate heirs; would distinguish sharply between the priest's personal property and ecclesiastical holdings, which could not be inherited; and in at least some cases, would permit the priest to continue exercising ministry.

Vatican spokesperson Fr Federico Lombardi, however, has issued what he described as an "oral" rather than a "formal" denial of the La Stampa report, describing it as "without foundation."


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