Irish Child Abuse Scandal: Pope Benedict XVI Ensuring That Justice Is Seen to Be Done

By Martin Beckford
February 17, 2010

VATICAN CITY -- By summoning the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church in Ireland to the Vatican, in the full glare of the world's media, Pope Benedict XVI is ensuring that justice is seen to be done over child abuse scandals.

It is likely he realises that the most damage is done to the worldwide church by accusations of a cover-up and protection given to guilty priests – even more so than the actual claims of sexual assault.

Before he assumed the papacy in 2005, as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger he spent 24 years as Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In this critically important role in the Vatican, he was responsible for enforcing Catholic teaching and was known as "God's rottweiler".

But despite his tough reputation, the German theologian was also accused of helping to shield clergy from claims of child abuse in churches and schools.

His organisation sent a confidential letter to every Catholic bishop stating that the church had the right to hold investigations in secret, including those into abuse "perpetrated with a minor by a cleric", and keep the results secret for 10 years after the victim turns 18.

Churches have been criticised for moving abusers to other areas rather than bringing them to justice.

Soon after he became pontiff, Benedict XVI was accused in a civil lawsuit in Texas of conspiring to cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian.

The Vatican's embassy in Washington DC sent a diplomatic memo requesting that the Pope be granted immunity because he is a head of state. The US government said he received the protection automatically because of his status.

Since then, however, the Pope has made progress in addressing historic abuse cases around the world.

On his first trip to America, in April 2008, he had a private meeting with victims and at a service in the country's biggest Catholic church he said the sexual abuse of children by priests was "deeply immoral behaviour" that had been "very badly handled". Dioceses in the US have paid more than $2 billion in compensation to victims.

Later the same year he made his strongest comments yet on the scandals, in a last-minute change to the homily he delivered at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney.

The Pope said the "betrayal of trust" deserved "unequivocal condemnation" and that he was personally "deeply sorry" for the suffering endured by victims.

Survivors of abuse and campaign groups believe that action is now needed rather than words, particularly in the case of Ireland where some bishops named in an official report into the poor handling of abuse cases are still in their posts.


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