Local Clergy Abuse Survivor Says: Pope Needs to Be Tougher on Abusers

By Fred Bodimer Reporting
February 17, 2010

VATICAN CITY - JANUARY 6: Twelve new bishops are ordained by Pope John Paul II during a ceremony in Saint Peter's Basilica January 6 , 2003 in Vatican City. The new bishops come from nine countries: South Korea, Vietnam, Italy, Spain, Benin, Slovakia, Iraq, Ukraine and Ireland.
Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images

ST LOUIS (KMOX) -- Nice words, but not enough action. That's how a local clergy abuse survivor reacts to the Pope's meeting with Irish Bishops over the clergy abuse scandal in Ireland.

The pope called pedophilia a heinous crime and an offense to God.

St. Louisian David Clohessy wonders why the Pope didn't take the next step by ousting the Irish Bishops who allegedly turned a blind eye to the abuse for decades, "first there's a horrific scandal . Bishops from one country fly over to Rome. There is all kinds of promises of reform, but there is little of anything in the way of tangible action"

Clohessy said at the very least, the pope should have ousted the bishops who allegedly covered up the decades of abuse, "as long as men who conceal or ignore child sex crimes keep their jobs or get promoted there will never be real or meaningful change."

Clohessy says the Vatican reacted the same way when it confronted America's bishops 8 years ago over the clergy abuse scandal.



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