Complaints to Gardai

By Anne Campbell
Drogheda Independent
March 17, 2010

IRELAND -- TWO men from Dundalk made complaints to Gardai about sex abuse they suffered while they were altar boys at the hands of paedophile Fr Brendan Smyth, it has emerged.

It is understood the men were two of at least six who came forward to Gardai across Ireland in 1995 in the wake of the Brendan Smyth revealations which brought down the Reynolds government in 1994.

Both men served as altar boys in Dundalk and one of them, who was living in England at the time he made the allegations, wrote to Gardai outlining the abuse.

Another man, who is now aged 43 and was living in Co Louth when he contacted Gardai, made a separate complaint when he was 28, saying he was abused when he was an altar boy.

Gardai in Cavan, Longford, Louth and Meath launched investigations as a result of complaints they received about the notorious paedophile.

On Monday, Dundalk Gardai said the investigation into allegations made here about Fr Smyth was coordinated by officers at Harcourt Square, Dublin.

Smyth died in 1997 just one month into a 12 year sentence for abusing children in the Republic.


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