Victims of Abuse by Clergy Demand Answers from Vatican

By Ann-elise Henzl
Milwaukee Public Radio
March 25, 2010

A Catholic priest, Lawrence Murphy, taught at a school for deaf boys in St. Francis from the 1950s to the 1970s. He's accused of molesting as many as 200 children.

According to newly released documents, Wisconsin bishops urged the Vatican to permit a church trial against the priest in the 1990s. However, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict, prevented a trial from moving forward. He was head of the Vatican office that investigates abuse cases.

Mark Salmon is with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests. He says he wants answers from the Vatican.

"And I think it's time that they step up and take responsibility and stop with these vacant apologies and start fessing up to this," Salmon says.

Salmon was joined at a news conference Thursday by Arthur Budzinski, one of Murphy's victims. Budzinski says he no longer believes in the Catholic Church.

The Vatican has responded to the complaints, by saying they're part of a campaign to smear the pope.

Murphy died in 1998.


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