Prosecute Peadophile Priests: Swiss Bishops

By Gregorio Borgia
Times LIVE
March 31, 2010

SWITZERLAND -- Swiss Roman Catholic bishops admit hat they underestimated the extent of sexual abuse by the clergy and called on any victims to seek prosecution.

"We humbly admit that we underestimated the extent of the situation," the Swiss bishop's conference said in a statement.

"Those in charge of the diocese and religious orders made mistakes."

Faithful crowd St. Peter's square during the Palm Sunday mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI.
Photo by Gregorio Borgia

The leaders of the Roman Catholic church in Switzerland called on "all those who have suffered abuse" to approach special clergy offices that deal with such complaints and "if the need arises, to press charges."

Allegations of sexual molestation by priests have piled up across Europe after episodes of child abuse were exposed in Ireland.

The Swiss bishop's conference said earlier this month it was examining at least nine "serious" cases of suspected sexual abuse or harassment in recent years, four of which involved children.

In recent years the Church in Switzerland has set up dedicated offices to encourage reporting of sexual impropriety by priests, investigate allegations, and ensure care for victims.

However, a leading Swiss priest has called on the Vatican to set up an international register of Roman Catholic clergy who have been reported for sex abuse, since many priests switch diocese or countries.

Martin Werlen, a member of the bishops conference, said he feared the Catholic hierarchy had failed to take the impact of the latest child sex abuse scandals seriously enough.

Swiss President Doris Leuthard has supported the call for a blacklist of paedophile priests, and added that wrongdoers must be prosecuted.

"Whether the perpetrators are non-religious or religious makes no difference. All must be subjected to the Swiss penal code, without exception," she said.

Pope Benedict XVI, under increasing fire for the Roman Catholic Church's handling of paedophile priests, on Sunday urged Christians not to be intimidated by idle "chatter".

The conservative Benedict has continually spoken out and apologised for the "heinous crime" of child sex abuse by priests.


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