Bishop, Protestors Face off over Accusations of Priest Abuse in Knoxville

By Josh Ault
April 11, 2010

KNOXVILLE (WATE) - As accusations of abuse by Roman Catholic priests continue to make news, two protestors in Knoxville voiced their concerns in front of the Knoxville diocese Friday.

The women with the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) brought a poster with blank spots on it. They said it stands for 11 priests who have abused victims.

Bishop Richard Stika came outside to address the protestors.

At times, the conversations between Bishop Stika and the women with SNAP, got heated.

"Our mission was to reiterate what we have said for eight long years, that East Tennessee has been covered with pedophilia by priests and it hasn't been told," said Susan Vance, the East Tennessee coordinator for SNAP.

"I can assure folks that there are no priests or deacons, volunteers, scout leaders, anyone who is serving in the diocese that has an allegation made against them. If there was, it would be immediately investigated," the bishop said.

He also said if anyone was abused in the Knoxville diocese, they need to let church officials know and contact their local law enforcement.

Bishop Stika says since 1988, only one priest was investigated for abuse, but was never convicted.

SNAP members say they've found at least 11, and they want those names revealed.

"If you give me their names, I will be happy to investigate," Bishop Stika said.

"I have asked one bishop and one communications director to cross reference with Nashville and cross reference with Memphis. I've been refused," Vance said.

"The truth of the matter is, we have never heard the truth from this diocese, not once. I guess I know why, the bishop doesn't care," Vance added.

"I requested the names of those blank spots," Bishop Stika said, referring to SNAP's poster, "and if she is willing to help me, I'm willing to work with her."

The bishop asked SNAP members to meet with him. They said they'll take him up on his offer.

Susan Vance was a nun for 15 years, and she's still active in the Catholic church. She says SNAP will continue holding protests until they feel everything in the scandal has been revealed.

On Friday afternoon, the Knoxville diocese released a letter from Bishop Stika on the diocese's efforts to prevent the sexual abuse of children.


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