Be Prepared

Catholic Culture
August 30 2010

Today Cardinal Godfried Danneels is in the headlines, with the revelation that he urged a victim of sexual abuse to keep quiet until his molester, another Belgian bishop, was safely ushered into retirement. Speaking through a spokesman, the retired cardinal allowed:

"Looking back I have been naive by going to such a meeting unprepared."

It’s always better to be prepared, as any Boy Scout would tell you. If you’re a high-ranking prelate, getting ready to meet with a man who was sexually abused by a prelate of lesser stature, what should you be prepared to do: (check all that apply)

* Deny everything.

* Call a lawyer.

* Write a large check.

* Admit everything.

* Call the cops.

* Write an apology.

* Have a goon at the door check to make sure the victim isn’t wearing a wire.

* Tell the truth.


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