Assualt Survivors Network, Snap, Hits Milwaukee Archdiocese Chapter 11

Veterans Today
January 5, 2011

Statement by David Clohessy, SNAP director: It's always distressing when supposed 'shepherds' act like callous CEOs.

This is about protecting church secrets, not church assets. The goal here is to prevent top church managers from being questioned under oath about their complicity, not 'compensating victims fairly.'

Under this scheme, Listecki, Sklba and Weakland win and Catholics, citizens, parents, victims and kids lose. The three prelates win because they dodge embarrassing depositions and courtroom cross-examinations that reveal just how corrupt they are. Everyone else loses because the identities and misdeeds of men who ignored and hid child sex crimes remain hidden.

It's a victory for those who value recklessness and selfishness and a loss for those who value honesty and safety.

Even if the archdiocese is tight on funds, Listecki has dozens of options he hasn't even seriously pondered or tried (including borrowing money, asking for donations from the laity, etc.)

It's no stretch to think that the same church officials who concealed horrific child sex crimes might also conceal their wealth and assets.

If money was indeed, the issue, Milwaukee's archbishop had many options he never pursued.

He could have revealed his diocese's wealth, to show he's poor.

He could have sought a bank loan, if need be (like Orange County).

He could have sought a loan from church sources (like Boston).

He could have asked his flock to donate toward healing.

He could have asked for a gradual payment of any settlement.

He could have settled the insured cases.

He could have sued the recalcitrant insurers.

We see no evidence that Listecki did any of this.

Instead, he took the self-serving, coward's way out. Instead of disclosing the truth, he's hiding it. Instead of fostering healing, he's delaying it. Instead of moving his diocese forward, he's holding it back.


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