My Sentiments Exactly

By Mark P. Shea
Catholic and Enjoying It!
March 29, 2011

Permit me to add one thing: Those of us who believe in the Professor Digory Kirke Approach to Things about Which We have No Actual Knowledge also believe strongly in avoiding interested parties who hector us to side with them and who insist on larding our comboxes and the blogosphere with exhortations to trust them and despise their accusers.

So, for instance, when extremely interested parties such as the Vice President of Santa Cruz Media send out bulletins insisting, not that I mind my own business as I am wont to do, but that I take his/her(?) word for it (as a wholly secular, for-profit interest) that Fr. Corapi is the victim of an "unsubstantiated rant of a former employee, who, after losing her job with this office, physically assaulted me and another employee and promised to 'destroy' Father Corapi"--well, that makes it harder to mind my own business, because I find myself being badgered on what to think, not by some nasty accusatory woman, but by enthusiasts for Fr. Corapi who are not only trying to prejudice me against some woman I don't know, but are also telling me that "We have consulted with a number of canon lawyers. They have assured us that the actions of the Bishop of Corpus Christi, Texas are, on several points of canon law, illicit." So I'm being instructed to think that not only is Fr. Corapi's accuser bad, but the people investigating him are bad too. And how am I to know these things? Because somebody who stands to make a lot of money off Fr. Corapi says so and other people repeat this pseudoknowledge endlessly as though they know what they are talking about. Period.

My first question: why is this "don't trust this crazy liar and that mean unjust bishop" bulletin on Fr. Corapi's site and not on Santa Cruz Media's site?

My second question: why is some Veep writing this and not the CEO of Santa Cruz Media?

My third question: why, after making it extremely clear that I wish to mind my own business, are people sending me this stuff whose only purpose is to fill my head with prejudiced pseudoknowledge from extremely interested parties?

Then I look at the Anchoress' blog and find the answer to all my questions. According to her post, Fr. Corapi is the CEO of Santa Cruz Media.

See, now that's the sort of thing that makes it hard to go on saying I know nothing about this particular altercation. To be sure, I still know nothing about the woman who made the accusation, nor about the merits of her claim, for the very good reason that after making her accusation and letting the Church go to work investigating it, she has kept quiet.

But I do know one thing now that I didn't know before: I know I get the awfully strong impression that one side involved in the dispute is doing whatever can be done to prejudice the public against both Fr. Corapi's accuser and his investigators. That does not, by a long shot, prove anything either way. You can be innocent and hector people about it. You can be innocent and have some underling go off half-cocked and without your approval. But it sure leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like the Anchoress, I think the Santa Cruz Media memo was better off left unwritten. Indeed, to all who are busy accusing the woman for making a public stink, it is worth noting that you and I would know nothing of this whole affair had Father Corapi not written about it all in the first place (resulting in a tsunami of blogospheric condemnation of the alleged "she devil" from Corapi fans for so much as opening her mouth--a condemnation echoed by the Santa Cruz bulletin rhetoric about all this being solely the result of his being "hated by the devil"). If the good Father would like me to remain agnostic and just pray for him and his accuser as he initially said, then I would suggest that he ask his underling Veeps, secular for-profiteers and enthusiasts to stop clogging my comboxes and the blogosphere with links instructing me to regard his accuser and investigators as bad people and tools of Satan and inviting me in not-so-subtle ways to take his side and condemn his accusers and investigators.


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