John Mckiggan Nominated for National Journalism Award

By John McKiggan
Injury Board Blog Network
October 6, 2011

I am honoured (and surprised) to say that I have been nominated by Beyond Borders for their 2011 award for exemplary journalism covering issues related to the sexual exploitation of children.

Beyond Borders ECPAT Canada is a national non-profit organization that advances the

rights of children to be free from sexual exploitation.

I have been nominated in the print category for my article published in The Lawyers Weekly:The Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse : Is the Church’s response real action or window dressing?

I have to say it is a tremendous honour to be nominated alongside such tremendously talented individuals.

In case you are interested, the other nominees are:


1. Bob Weber, The Canadian Press, Women link up on the web to bring convicted pedophile priest back to Canada

2. Daphne Bramham, The Vancouver Sun, Evidence rules leave disabled Canadian girls open to sex abuse

3. Daphne Bramham, The Vancouver Sun, Polygamy in Canada: The ongoing saga

4. Meagan Robertson, The Chief, Raising awareness about sexual exploitation

5. Mike Howell, Vancouver Courier, Predator bait

6. Alison Langley, Niagara Falls Review, The fight against human trafficking

7. John McKiggan, The Lawyers Weekly, The Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse : Is the Church’s response real action or window dressing?


1. & 2. Helen Slinger, Bountiful Films for CBC Passionate Eye & Vancouver International Film

Festival, When the Devil Knocks, (#1- 44 minute version, #2 - 90 minute version)

3. Joan Weeks, CBC Maritime Magazine, Fenwick MacIntosh: Pursuing a pedophile

4. Linden MacIntyre & Neil Docherty, CBC News – The Fifth Estate, Betrayal

5. Alan Mendelsohn, Cogent Benger for Vision TV (Zoomer Media), Sex Scandals & Religion: The wall of silence


1. Kathleen Frenette, Journal de Quebec, series, Des collections presque sans fin, Magasiner sa victime sur le net , Des signes revelateurs, Patients et sournois, Un jeu habilement monte

2. Hugo Meunier, La Presse, series, Tourisme sexuel en Republique Dominicaine, Le Bordel

cache des Quebecois


1. Carl Theriault, Tele-Quebec, Une Pilule, Une Petite Granule, Agressions sexuelles: les garcons aussi

2. Normand Grondin, Radio–Canada, Enquete, Silence religieux

3. Raymonde Provencher, ONF & Tele-Quebec, Grace, Milly, Lucy… des fillettes soldates

4.Emmanuelle Latraverse, Radio-Canada, Telejournal, Enfants esclaves

5. Mario Proulx et Eugenie Francoeur, Radio-Canada Premiere Chaine, Une enfance pour la vie

6. Lisette Marcotte et Maryse Chartrand, Canal Vie, De l’ombre a la lumiere, Tout se joue apres 6 ans


1. Lisa Mayor, Lakehead University, Polygamous Leaders Welcome RCMP Probe

2. Anton Mwewa, Niagara College Canada, Letting go of the past: Sexual abuse survivor finds

strength to cut ties, and love again


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