Cardinal Dolan Dodges Question and Attacks Nyt & SNAP

By David Clohessy
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
June 4, 2012

Today, New York Cardinal Dolan attacked our group and again refused to address questions about the disturbing contradiction between what he said and what he did about secretly paying predator priests to quietly leave.

To reporters from WNYC, NY1 and the New York Post, Dolan reportedly said "The New York Times and SNAP have no credibility on this issue so it's not productive to try to address groundless & scurrilous charges by them."

It's sad that America's top Catholic official won't answer a simple question: how much money did he secretly pay to how many predator priests so they would quietly go away and be around unsuspecting families and co-workers, perhaps to assault more kids.

Bishops often attack the messenger when they're forced to defend the indefensible. It's a despicable and desperate tactic.

Despite Dolan's dodging, our credibility isn't questioned here. It's Dolan's credibility that's the issue, because his emphatic denials conflict with solid evidence from a long-secret church document.


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