Monsignor William Lynn Prison Sentence

By Kristine Ward
National Survivor Advocates Coalition
July 25, 2012

The National Survivor Advocates Coalition (NSAC) believes Monsignor William Lynn should have received the maximum seven year sentence given the parameters of the law but the three to six year sentence is significant for his conviction on the endangerment of children in this watershed case regarding the sexual abuse of children.

The sentence should send a clear and direct message to all of the bishops of the Roman Catholic Church: they have failed their people, and given Monsignor Lynn's defense they created and sustain a culture that fails their people.

If the people of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Monsignor Lynn's parish believe the sentence to be unfair, they should urge Cardinal Rigali to step forward and take Monsignor Lynn's place in jail. For indeed, it becomes increasingly clear with each court case that the cover-up and direction came from the top.

We urge the Catholics of the Archdiocese and all men and women of goodwill to work diligently for the passage of statute of limitation legislation in Pennsylvania to protect children and provide access to justice for victims.



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