Gay Couple in Northbridge Refused Sale of Mansion Because Gay People Might Get Married There

By Dave Eisenberg
The Bostinno
July 28, 2012

James Fairbanks and Alain Beret, a gay couple in Northbridge offered $1 million for a 44-bedroom mansion owned by the Diocese of Worcester, which the diocese initially accepted according to the Worcester Telegram. They signed their offer, made a deposit and paid for a home inspection, the article adds. But now the diocese won't sell to the couple.

They were told by the diocesan broker that the deal fell through because of financing. In the broker's email to the couple, however, was also an accidentally attached email from Monsignor Thomas Sullivan, who oversees the sale of the diocesan property, which suggests there may have been another reason the couple couldn't buy. Can you guess what it is?

"I just went down the hall and discussed it with the bishop," Msgr. Sullivan wrote. "Because of the potentiality of gay marriages there, something you shared with us yesterday, we are not interested in going forward with these buyers. I think they're shaky anyway. So, just tell them that we will not accept their revised plan and the Diocese is making new plans for the property. You find the language."
Hey, Monsignor Sullivan. Gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts. You can't use that as a reason to not sell to someone. It's, like, against the law and stuff. Your cool hat doesn't excuse you from being sanctimonious.

The article adds this from the couple's lawyer:
Their lawyer, Sergio Carvajal, said state law prohibits discriminating against buyers based on sexual orientation, and said the potential for gay marriages would exist regardless of the sexual orientation of the buyer.
NOPE! Only gay people let other gay people do their weird gay stuff in the silence of the gayest of gay nights. No one else.

The couple wanted turn to the place into a banquet facility, but screw that. Once they ultimately get the property they are entitled to, they should just turn it into a never ending gigantic gay networking party just out of delicious spite.

It'll be raining men in Northbridge, baby. Hallelujah.


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