Un Ex Alumno De Gaztelueta Asegura Haber Sido Victima De Abusos Sexuales

By Iker Rioja Andueza
El Mundo
December 30, 2012

See translation below.

Un antiguo alumno del colegio Gaztelueta de Leioa (Bizkaia), el que mas anos lleva abierto de los alrededor de 90 que la institucion catolica Opus Dei tiene por toda Espana, ha declarado haber sido victima de abusos sexuales por parte de un profesor del centro. Los hechos se produjeron, segun este relato, durante los cursos 2008-2009 y 2009-2010, cuando el adolescente cursaba primero y segundo de Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO).

Asi consta tambien en la documentacion medica y del Departamento de Educacion a la que ha tenido acceso EL MUNDO del Pais Vasco. El presunto responsable de estos abusos sexuales fue un profesor numerario del centro, con voto de celibato, que responde a las iniciales J.M.M.S. Esos informes anaden que, segun el nino, este docente se "mofaba" igualmente del estudiante en clase, lo que propicio un entorno favorable a que la victima lo fuera tambien de acoso escolar por parte de algunos de sus companeros, que llegaron a amenazarlo de muerte.

El maestro J.M.M.S, que impartia Religion y Lengua y que ejercia de monitor de tiempo libre en un club del Opus Dei en Bilbao, al que ocasionalmente acudia el joven, era tambien su preceptor. Esta es una figura existente en los centros del Opus Dei que ejerce no solo como tutor sino, ademas, como enlace entre el alumno y su familia, hasta el punto de que llego a comer en su casa. El docente, ademas, presiono al adolescente en tres ocasiones para que se incorporara al Opus Dei, segun atestiguan los padres.

El testimonio del joven, avalado por la familia y recogido en varios documentos, muestra como el profesor sacaba con asiduidad a la victima de clase, con mas frecuencia que a sus companeros. Se reunia con el "cuatro o cinco veces por semana" a puerta cerrada en su despacho, donde podia tenerlo por un espacio de hasta 50 minutos durante el horario lectivo. Hasta ese curso el menor habia obtenido unas excelentes calificaciones escolares y su integracion con el resto de sus companeros era notable, hasta el punto de haber sido elegido como capitan de la clase.

"Cerraba la puerta del despacho y bajaba las persianas. Si yo queria salir de alli no podia [...]. Me ensenaba fotos de chicas en bikini o desnudas y me decia ‘?Fijate que buena esta!’ [...] Me tocaba los muslos, la espalda, la tripa y, alguna vez, para ensenarme las notas en el ordenador, me exigia ponerme encima de sus rodillas y yo notaba algo duro debajo de mi", narra la victima en la documentacion aportada por sus padres. El menor ha relatado mas episodios de esta naturaleza. "Me mando bajarme los pantalones y me hacia tocamientos", ha comentado tambien con posterioridad a sus familiares.

El informe que contiene este testimonio obra en poder de la Inspeccion del Departamento de Educacion del Gobierno vasco, que conoce el caso desde el 3 de octubre de 2011 y que ya ha entregado sus conclusiones a la Fiscalia, segun fuentes oficiales.

Hasta la fecha no hay abierto, sin embargo, ningun proceso penal contra el supuesto acosador, aunque, segun el Codigo Penal, esta practica esta castigada "con la pena de prision de uno a tres anos o multa de dieciocho a veinticuatro meses".

El ministerio fiscal se planteo en su dia abrir una pieza separada sobre los abusos sexuales, segun han confirmado a este periodico fuentes judiciales, aunque no dio el paso. Los padres del menor, por su parte, consideran oportuno posponer esta investigacion hasta que su hijo se reponga de las secuelas psicologicas que padece.

La Fiscalia de Menores recibio en el mes de noviembre de 2011 tanto las declaraciones escritas de los familiares del menor como el expediente elaborado por los inspectores del Departamento de Educacion, en los que se incluia el relato de los presuntos abusos realizados por el preceptor durante el horario lectivo en el interior del colegio Gaztelueta. Los padres confiaron en que se abriera una investigacion judicial de oficio ante la gravedad de los hechos descritos. "No entendemos como la Fiscalia no ha actuado de oficio en este caso y remitido al juzgado el presunto delito de abusos sexuales de un adulto contra nuestro hijo", aseguran los padres del chico. Fuentes de la Fiscalia, sin embargo, insisten en que si llegaron a plantearse abrir una pieza separada para investigar este grave delito pero esta opcion fue desestimada en aquel momento por los padres para no agravar el estado psicologico de su hijo. De hecho, reiteradamente la familia insiste en que hasta el momento no se han querellado contra el adulto por "prescripcion facultativa", ante "el agravamiento del estado del menor" en los ultimos meses.

La Fiscalia, en cambio, si impulso la investigacion y posterior judicializacion de la presion ejercida por los companeros del alumno. Y es que este caso no se circunscribe a los presuntos abusos sexuales: "Paralelamente a esa actitud del profesor, algunos companeros de su clase comenzaron a acosarle, a insultarle en clase y en los recreos de manera regular, principalmente en segundo de la ESO". La familia cambio de colegio al chico, aunque el acoso no se detuvo ahi. Cuando el joven cursaba tercero de la ESO en otro centro de Bizkaia, sus antiguos companeros contactaron con el a traves de la red social Tuenti, la mas popular entre adolescentes. Recibio varios mensajes anonimos.

Colaboracion desde el colegio

"Con los datos que teniamos no encontramos nada de fundamento. La actitud del colegio ha sido y seguira siendo de total colaboracion con los organismos oficiales competentes", aseguro a EL MUNDO del Pais Vasco el subdirector del colegio Gaztelueta, Imanol Goyarrola, cuando fue requerido para conocer la version del centro sobre los hechos denunciados por un ex alumno y avalados por sus padres. Goyarrola insistio en la "colaboracion" que ha mantenido el centro tanto con la familia afectada como con los inspectores del Departamento de Educacion que intervinieron en este procedimiento, asi como con la Fiscalia de Menores, que recopilo informacion y que, hasta el momento, unicamente inicio un procedimiento por los mensajes enviados por varios companeros del menor.

"Las primeras informaciones que recibimos por parte de la familia fueron un ano despues de que el alumno abandonara el colegio. Se trataba, en un principio, de supuestas conductas inapropiadas, lo que nos causo un gran impacto. Le dimos toda la importancia que el tema requeria, iniciando de inmediato una investigacion exhaustiva. Abrimos un protocolo interno para investigar y,concluimos, con todos los datos de que disponiamos, que esas acusaciones no eran fundadas", asegura el subdirector de este colegio concertado, que ha intervenido personalmente en todas las gestiones realizadas desde el mes de junio de 2011 en torno a este caso de presuntos abusos.

El docente de Gaztelueta confirmo que el colegio inicio una "investigacion" interna a partir del momento en el que tuvieron conocimiento de los hechos que les fueron transmitidos por los padres del ex alumno. "El nivel de las acusaciones realizadas por los padres ha ido variando con el tiempo", explico Goyarrola, una circunstancia que los afectados han reconocido en varios documentos al haber obtenido mas informacion a lo largo de los ultimos meses.

El directivo de Gaztelueta tambien constato que "fueron los padres del menor quienes expusieron tambien los hechos ante la Fiscalia de Menores, pero no nos consta que exista actualmente ningun procedimiento judicial contra el profesor ni ninguna resolucion que acredite que tales hechos son ciertos".

El centro, ademas, nego que el prescriptor senalado por el ex alumno fuera despedido, sino que durante el pasado curso escolar conto con una excedencia de formacion autorizada anteriormente a los hechos denunciados, con la que viajo al extranjero para mejorar su nivel de ingles. "Una vez finalizado ese curso no se ha incorporado al colegio, para seguir perfeccionando su formacion", anadieron desde el centro.


An alumnus of Gaztelueta claims to have been sexually abused
The alleged perpetrator of these abuses was a tenured professor of Opus Dei center, with vow of celibacy

By Iker Rioja Andueza
El Mundo
December 30, 2012

A former student of the school Gaztelueta Leioa (Bizkaia), the longest-open of about 90 that the Catholic institution Opus Dei has throughout Spain, said to have been sexually abused by a teacher at the center. The incident occurred, according to this account, during the course 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, when the teenager was studying first and second of Secondary Education (ESO).

So also has medical documentation and the Department of Education to have accessed the world of Basque Country. The alleged perpetrator of sexual abuses was a tenured professor of the center, with a vow of celibacy , which responds to the initial JMMS These reports add that, as a child, this teacher is "mocked" the student in class also, which led to a friendly environment that was also the victim of bullying by some of his colleagues, who came to threaten his life.

The teacher JMMS who taught religion and language and exercised monitor free time in a club Bilbao Opus Dei, who occasionally came to the young man, was also his preceptor. This is an existing figure in Opus Dei centers exerted not only as a coach but also as a liaison between the student and his family, to the point that came to eat at home. The teacher also pressured the teenager three times for him to join the Opus Dei , as witnessed by the parents.

Young's testimony, supported by family and collected in several documents, shows how the teacher regularly pulled the victim class , more often than their peers. He met with him "four or five times a week" in camera in his office, where he could have it for a period of up to 50 minutes during school hours. Until that year the child had obtained excellent grades and their integration with the rest of his teammates was remarkable, to the point of being elected as captain of the class.

"I closed the office door and down the blinds. If I wanted out of there could not [...]. Taught me photos of girls in bikinis or naked and say 'Look how good he is!' [...] I played the thighs, back, belly and, sometimes, to teach the notes on the computer, required me get on his knees and I felt something hard under me, "he tells the victim's documentation provided by their parents. The child has reported more episodes of this nature. "He told me to pull down my pants and was touching me," said, also after their families.

The report contains this testimony is held by the Inspectorate of the Department of Education of the Basque Government, hearing the case since October 3, 2011 and has already delivered its findings to the attorney, officials said.

To date there is open, however, no criminal proceedings against the alleged harasser, although, according to the Criminal Code, this practice is punishable "with imprisonment of one to three years or a fine of eighteen to twenty four months."

The prosecution was raised at the time to open a separate piece on sexual abuse, as confirmed by judicial sources this newspaper, but gave no step.The child's parents, meanwhile, considered appropriate to postpone this investigation until your child is restored to the psychological suffering.

The Office of Children received in November 2011 both the written statements of the relatives of the child as the dossier prepared by the inspectors of the Department of Education, which included the story of the alleged abuses made by the teacher during the school hours inside the school Gaztelueta. Parents were confident that a judicial inquiry was opened officially at the seriousness of the events described. "We do not understand how the prosecution office has not acted in this case referred to the court and the crime of sexual abuse of an adult against our son," say the boy's parents. Sources of the prosecution, however, insist that if they came to consider opening a separate piece to investigate this serious crime but this option was rejected at the time by parents not to aggravate the psychological state of his son. In fact, the family repeatedly insists that so far have not sued the adult by "prescription", to "the worsening state of the child" in recent months.

The prosecution, however, they pushed the investigation and subsequent prosecution of the pressure exerted by fellow student. And this case is not limited to the alleged sexual abuse: "In parallel to this attitude of the teacher, some class mates began to harass him, insulting him in class and on the playground on a regular basis, especially in the second of ESO" .The family changed the boy school, but the harassment did not stop there.When the young man was studying third of that in another center Bizkaia, his former colleagues contacted him through the social network Tuenti, the most popular among adolescents. He received several anonymous.

Collaboration from school

"With the data we had found nothing of substance. The attitude of the school has been and will continue to fully cooperate with relevant government agencies," he said to him? WORLD Basque Gaztelueta school assistant principal, Imanol Goyarrola , when he was required to know the version of the center of the allegations by a former student and supported by their parents. Goyarrola stressed the "partnership" that has kept the family center with both affected and with the Department of Education inspectors who participated in this process, as well as with the Office of Children, which collected information and that, so far, only opened proceedings by the messages sent by several smaller companions.

"The first information we received from family were one year after the student left the school. It was, at first, of alleged misconduct, which caused us a great impact. We gave all the importance that the theme required, immediately initiating a thorough investigation. opened an internal protocol to investigate and conclude, with all data available to us, that these allegations were unfounded, "said the deputy director of the school concluded that intervened personally in all the steps taken since June 2011 on this case of alleged abuse.

The teacher confirmed that the school Gaztelueta initiated an "investigation" internal from time when they became aware of the facts that were transmitted by the parents of former students. "The level of charges made by parents has changed over time," explained Goyarrola, a circumstance that those affected have acknowledged in various documents having obtained more information over the past few months.

The manager of Gaztelueta also found that "were the child's parents who also presented the case to the Office of Children, but we know that there is currently no legal proceedings against the teacher or any resolution stating that those facts are true."

The center also denied that the prescriber noted by former student was dismissed, but during the past school year included a previously authorized leave training to the allegations, with whom he traveled abroad to improve their English. "Once that course has not been incorporated into the school, to further improve their education," added from the center.








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