Commission Reveals Widespread Abuse of Girls by Priests and Nuns

By Becky Ianni
March 12, 2013

Our hearts ache for the all of the thousands of girls who victimized by the priests and nuns who were supposed to be caring for them. This is an enormous betrayal of trust, and such crimes have life-long and damaging effects.

We hope that, by reading this report today and knowing at least some of the truth around their victimization is known, they will find some healing.

We are glad that the commission turned over the files on cases that they believe are prosecutable, but we would prefer if they had turned over all files to police and prosecutors. That way, a creative legal mind may have been able to find some way to prosecute some of the offenders (remember, Al Capone was brought down on tax evasion).

We urge the commission to turn over these files now, and to release the names of all known predators to the public. Hopefully, another victim who has long been suffering in silence will see this and find the strength to come forward, make a report, and do what they can to protect kids.








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