Anglican Bishop Resigns from His Post

Daily Examiner
May 17, 2013

[Read Bishop Keith Slater's full statement]

[Read the Diocese's full statement]

The Right Reverend Keith Slater has resigned as Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton. Photo Debrah Novak/The Daily Examiner

Bishop Slater said he accepts full responsibility for the incorrect management of claims of abuse alleging acts of physical, psychological and sexual abuse at the North Coast Children's Home in Lismore.

The Bishop said the Diocese had adopted a Professional Standards Ordinance and Protocol in 2004 which outlines the obligations and processes for managing complaints of sexual abuse.

Initial findings from an audit in January indicated that the Professional Standards Protocols had not always been applied, specifically in matters associated with claims of abuse at the North Coast Children's Home.

"I acknowledge that I was responsible for ensuring full compliance with the Protocol and that I failed in this duty," Bishop Slater said in a media statement.

"Some matters detailing sexual abuse at the North Coast Children's Home were not referred to the Professional Standards Director as they should have been. I apologise to those complainants who were not given access to the Professional Standards Director.

"I also acknowledge that, by not referring these matters, the Professional Standards Director was not provided with information that could have assisted ongoing internal and Police investigations.

"All information has now been provided to the Professional Standards Director who is currently liaising with the Police to ensure that all relevant information has been provided to them."








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