Sheboygan Priest Leads Group to Crack down on Sex Abuse

Sheboygan Daily
May 22, 2013

SHEBOYGAN – A Sheboygan priest will head to New York on Wednesday to call for more transparency in child sex abuse cases.

Rev. Jim Connell of St. Clement’s Church has formed a national whistleblowers group to make sure Catholic Church leaders follow through with that crackdown on abuse.

“As we continue down the road of trying to get the truth out so there really can be an understanding of the crisis, of all that has taken place, and the truth then being a road to justice and hopefully healing,” said Connell in an interview with Wisconsin Public Radio on Tuesday.

The organization is urging church insiders to report suspected sex abuse immediately and hold the church’s hierarchy responsible when it comes to removing priests.

He’s reached out to Pope Francis and Cardinal Timothy Dolan for their support.


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