Catholic Church Sex Scandal Topic of First Bridge Lecture

By Sue Wuetcher
UB Reporter
June 13, 2013

UB law professor Susan Mangold will open the Newman Center’s annual Bridge Lecture Series on June 19 with a legal update on the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse scandal.

The talk by Mangold, co-director of the Family Law Program in the UB Law School, and all remaining talks in the series will take place at 7 p.m. in the Newman Center, 495 Skinnersville Road, across from the Creekside Village apartments on the North Campus.

All talks are free and open to the public.

The aim of the lecture series, now in its 11th year, is to connect the UB family to the surrounding community.

The remaining lectures in the Bridge Lecture Series:

June 26: “Changes in Hearing and Vestibular/Balance Function Following Traumatic Brain Injury,” Susan Ann T. Roberts, clinical associates professor and director, Speech and Hearing Clinic, and Robert F. Burkard, professor and chair, Department of Rehabilitation Science

July 10: “College Athletics in the 21st Century and the Student-Athlete Experience,” Donald R. Reed, senior associate athletic director

July 17: “Media Exposure and Aggression in Children,” Jamie Ostrov, associate professor, Department of Psychology

July 24: “Will the Circle Be Unbroken?: Protecting the Historical Record after the Belfast Project,” Christine George, faculty services/reference librarian, Charles B. Sears Law Library

July 31: “(In)numeracy and Scientific Literacy,” E. Bruce Pitman, dean, College of Arts and Sciences and professor, Department of Mathematics

Aug. 7: “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Vaccines: a Novel Use of Bacterial Entertoxins,” Terry D. Connell, professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Aug. 14: “Right Thinking Consensus: Did We Need to Elect a Pope?” Msgr. J. Patrick Keleher, director, UB Newman Center








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