Restore Image of Priests for Obsolete Doctrines,vatican Concordats, Narcissist “saint” John Paul Ii, Mass Fake Cloning of Christ Religious Spectacle?

By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
October 31, 2013

Because of their permanent files in evidences of pedophile priests of Biblical proportions in the USA since 2002, and which have swept also through Europe and now in Australia, what Catholics must do is NOT to restore the image of the priest – but to demote him from his holy pedestal – so that they can elevate the dignity of all (voiceless) children and women and will become at par with the priest -- before Christ and IN Christ – because Christ is like oxygen free and equal to all. And all are equal before Him.

Like oxygen, Christ is the same here, there and everywhere for every living person…Christ is the same for children, women and men…Christ is free and available for all 7 billion people (and more) regardless of their religion. The Vatican Popes and Cardinals and priests cannot breathe-in more oxygen more than women and children, or more than lay Catholics and non-Christians. Christ like oxygen is not the exclusive possession of the Popes and priests. Christ is not the exclusive God to 1.2 billion Catholics of the “Vatican Catholic Church”. Christ is not the slave of the Popes and priests so that He only goes where they tell Him to go, or be who, where, when they tell Him to be.

Christ is not caged in pure gold tabernacles or in the 150 Million dollars diamond studded chapel of Mother Angelica of EWTN, read more

Diamond Bride Mother Angelica


[read here]

According to some missionaries, priest pedophilia “is like a plague” in South America but they do not have our justice system in the USA and Europe, and the stigma for the entire family and shame in their cultures are preventing them and cannot help them to come out to reveal their Catholic Church pedophile experiences. In, there are news and files of famous pedophile priests in Chile and Peru, etc. A few weeks ago, in the poor country of the Dominican Republic, parents and people started to fight for justice and for the abolition of the Vatican Concordat as their Papal Nuncio and his aide, another Polish priest, fled the country after being caught paying prostitutions with minor boys, and the world is now watching what the Vatican will do in its typical travesty for justice,

[read more here]

“Restoring the image of the priest”

A special to the Kenosha News entitled “Restoring the image of the priest” was published on October 27, 2013 and its core message couldn’t be further from the truth. J.J. Steinhoff wrote that (emphasis ours):

There is nothing that can be done to remove the pain of each victim, their families and all of those who were involved in this scandal. However, it's time to move on and look at some current facts about today's Catholic Church, and specifically its priests.

Almost all accusations against Catholic priests date from many decades ago, and nearly half of all abuse accusations concern priests who are already long dead….


If there is no memorial day for victims of pedophile priests, Goliath-bully Bill Donohue and the Vatican will easily blow away like “Dust in the wind” or dust in Catholic Church history books! Read our related article SNAP as Dust in the Wind


Just like this article special to the Kenosha News entitled “Restoring the image of the priest” is doing, from the citations above, Opus Dei Catholics will simply campaign – that Bishop-Accountability files date from many decades ago” and they concern priests who are already long dead…therefore FORGET them! This is the Modus Operandi of the Vatican and all Bishops that even Governor Jerry Brown is enslaved by them and intoxicated by the Sorcery of the Eucharist, read our related article

Ex-Jesuit Gov.Jerry Brown vetoes SB131,invokes Roman law, perpetuates cover-up of 20th Century JP2 Army who stabs the heart of Jesus’ mother









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