Judge Orders Release of 13 Names of Winona Priests Accused of Abuse

LaCrosse Tribune
December 2, 2013

A Ramsey County judge today forced the Diocese of Winona to disclose a list of 13 priests credibly accused of sexually abusing minors.

Judge John Van de North also ordered the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to disclose a list of 33 priests also accused of abuse. Both lists were compiled in 2004.

The dioceses must release the priests' names, birth year and age, year of ordination, whether they're alive or dead and the year of death, the parishes they served, their current status, and the current city and state where they live.

The dioceses must provide detailed explanations for any names they choose not to release.

The dioceses must file the same information by Jan. 6 for any priests accused since the lists were compiled.

Attorney Jeff Anderson had made the request to release the names in multiple jurisdictions this year, including in Winona County District Court.








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