South Dakota Sexual Abuse Bill Named after Siouxland Native

By Jenna Rehnstrom
February 12, 2014

[with video]

There's a movement going on in the South Dakota legislature to protect victims of sexual abuse. And a Siouxland native is leading the charge.

Jolene Loetscher, who grew up in Northeast Nebraska, was sexually abused by a family friend from age 15 to 16. She mostly kept quiet about the ordeal, until recently, when she confronted her abuser and began a crusade to be a voice for others.

On Tuesday, she and other sexual abuse survivors shared their stories in front of South Dakota lawmakers.

"What really sits up here before you, is a 15 year old victim of child sexual abuse and we owe it to everyone to give all those children out there the right to become survivors," said Loetscher during her testimony.

"Jolene's Law," a bill named in her honor, has passed that senate committee and will be debated by the full senate. It would create a task force to study the impact of sexual abuse of kids and make recommendations to the legislature to address the issue.

"It really disturbs me that we really haven't addressed this in the past and it really disturbs me that we aren't doing more about it," says Senator Bruce Rampelberg.

"I think that it's something that has been largely swept under the rug," commented Senator Phil Jensen.

The idea behind the Jolene's Law Task Force is to educate teachers, parents, and community members about how to spot child abuse and to help get children who are affected the help they need.



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