Dominican Repubilc to seek 12 years in prison for Polish priest

Dominican Today
February 18, 2014

Santo Domingo.- Justice minister Francisco Domínguez on Monday said he’s pleased with the arrest of Polish priest Wojciech Gil (Padre Alberto), and vowed to do all that’s needed to get the maximum sentence for the prelate’s alleged abuse of seven boys in the Dominican Republic.

Poland police announced Gil’s arrest at his family home in a village near Krakow Monday, on a warrant issued by the Poland authorities, and is expected to be taken to Warsaw for questioning and arraignment Tuesday.

According to Poland’s laws, the priest faces up to 12 years in prison if convicted.

No borders

 Dominguez said upon hearing the news through the media, the Justice Ministry contacted its Poland counterpart to learn of all the details on the priest’s arrest.

He said the case had such an impact in the country that there shouldn’t be any borders to impede prosecution. “Justice cannot have borders to confront and punish those punishable and criminal acts as is the del case of the priest Wojciech Gil.”

Mountain town rejoices

Once news of the arrest reached the highland town of Juncalito, Santiago (north), residents openly stated their satisfaction

However, the community near Jánico township and the parents of the boys allegedly abused expect Dominican authorities to seek Gil’s extradition to be tried here.

"There was much harm committed, he destroyed the life of those boys forever," said Juan Polibio Adames, a cattle rancher in the area, quoted by



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