Germany: Thousands of registered members quit their parishes – formally - rather than pay money deducted from their salaries to the Catholic Church

By Paris Arrow
PopeCrimes& Vatican Evils.
September 3, 2014

According to Reuters - A change in Germany's capital gains tax has prompted an exodus from its Catholic and Protestant churches this year as thousands of registered members quit their parishes rather than pay the money. And pews are emptying fast. Read news article below with highlights.   We urge the Germans to help Spain spearhead the abolition of the Vatican Concordats altogether because through them, the Vatican usurp billions of dollars from every country that signed it in the past.  Read more -- Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
Read also about the FIFA victory of Germany in Brazil - in our related article REBUTTAL to “Pope Francis' achievements are substantial and not merely empty symbolism” - an Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day - by emeritus monsignor
American idiot Catholics are the main donors of billions of dollars to the Vatican Mammon Beast and they should learn from another wealthy First World country Germany – where Catholics are formally cutting ties with the Catholic Church – in droves – so that they won’t have to pay church taxes taken from their salaries for the Catholic Church – which raked in 5 billion Euros last year (see news below).  German Catholics have been ‘hit in the head with a brick’ with the discovery of their “Bling Bishop” who renovated his palace at the tune of $35 million Euros and also the German archdiocese that owned the porn distributing company ,

It’s about time that American idiot Catholics stop being complacent about their money and stop “tithing” to a few oligarchs – homosexuals, childless, misogynists, gays – of the fake country of the Vatican.  The Vatican “country” is a pathological lie, Pope Francis is the biggest liar and biggest thief in mankind’s history, read our related article, Hidden Heist in the Holy See.  The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth.


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