Jurors Hear Phone Call between Stephen Budd and Student

By Melissa Howell
CBS 12
May 30, 2015

Stephen Budd was back in court Friday for the second day of trial, following allegations of sexual abuse.

The accusers say the crimes took place during his time as a teacher at Rosarian Academy.

Friday, prosecutors played the phone call between Budd and his accuser that was set up by police in an attempt to get Budd to confess.

On Thursday, the woman, now 18, recounted the moments her 4th grade teacher, Mr. Budd, allegedly molested her and a friend.

She says at the time of the alleged abuse, she told classmates about how she and a friend would go under Mr. Budd's desk because they were his favorite students. The students claim he molested them and showed them his genitals.

It’s an allegation the defense attorney says the accuser convinced her parents and police was true, but it's one that has no evidence.








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