Statement by Archbishop Miller of Vancouver ...

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
June 01, 2015

Statement by Archbishop Miller of Vancouver on the closing ceremonies of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The closing ceremonies of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission are taking place in Ottawa from May 31 to June 3. The Most Reverend J. Michael Miller, C.S.B., Archbishop of Vancouver, has issued a statement to recall the commitment of the Archdiocese of Vancouver to reconciliation, justice and dialogue with First Nations. In addition to the statement, the Archdiocese of Vancouver is also participating in a number of events marking the end of the Truth and Reconciliation process: Rennie Nahanee, the Archdiocese of Vancouver's coordinator of First Nations ministry, is taking part in the official closing ceremonies in Ottawa; the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese created "Heart Garden" remembrance projects for residential school children who died, with pupils writing messages on paper hearts to plant in school gardens; and the Archdiocese will take part in an ecumenical service at 10:30 a.m., on June 2, at St. Andrews-Wesley United Church, Vancouver. Mr. Nahanee is also the Chair of the Canadian Catholic Aboriginal Council, which advises the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.


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