By Briana Barker
June 10, 2015

Northfield Center -- A national group has asked Cleveland Catholic Diocese Bishop Richard Lennon to visit St. Barnabas Catholic Church to evaluate and "punish" the Rev. Ralph Wiatrowski for his support of a man convicted of child pornography related charges.

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests stated in a letter to Bishop Lennon it released June 4 that "Wiatrowski must be publicly punished for trying to keep a convicted predator walking free, and for siding with a guilty friend over innocent children."

The letter called for the discipline of the Rev. Wiatrowski for the letter he wrote April 13 asking the court for leniency on behalf of former Nordonia Hills School Board President Steve Bittel, who pleaded guilty in March to felony charges related to child pornography and a police standoff he initiated last September. The Rev. Wiatrowski had also appeared in court on Bittel's behalf.

The Rev. Wiatrowski did not return calls by press time. He told the News Leader in May that he thinks his actions have been misconstrued.

"I don't see a huge value in incarceration as something that helps a person deal with whatever problem they have -- and that's being interpreted as saying I don't think people should have any consequences. That's not it at all," the Rev. Wiatrowski said in a May interview.

In response to SNAP, the Cleveland Diocese sent the News Leader a statement June 8.

"Father Wiatrowski with the assistance of the Diocese is reaching out to those who have personally come forward with their concerns while reaffirming his personal commitment and that of the parish for the safety and protection of children," the statement reads.

"In the Diocese of Cleveland, through the implementation of the Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse, the parishes of the Diocese, including St. Barnabas, are doing all that they can to create safe environments for the children in their care through extensive training and background checks for all employees and volunteers who will have contact with children."

SNAP's letter to Bishop Lennon stated "A strong and clear message must be sent to children that the actions of Fr. Wiatrowski and others at St. Barnabas were incomprehensible and will not be tolerated."

David Clohessy, executive director of SNAP, told the News Leader June 8 the group became aware of the situation through media coverage and also heard from two St. Barnabas parishioners. Clohessy said he would like to see the bishop visit the church and "set the tone" and act as an example to parishioners.

"We hope he will act as a real shepherd and teach his flock how to behave when child abuse allegations surface," Clohessy said. "We think it's incredibly insensitive, unwise and hurtful for a priest to seek no jail time for a sex offender."

Bob Tayek, director of media and public relations for the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, told the News Leader he does not believe there are any plans for Bishop Lennon to visit St. Barnabas in regards to the Rev. Wiatrowski's support of Bittel.

SNAP is not the only group that has expressed concern about the pastor's actions.

A local group formed on social media called U-KNIGHTED for our Children began calling for action by starting a petition asking for the evaluation of the Rev. Wiatrowski.

U-KNIGHTED's primary goal was seeking the resignation of School Board President James Virost for writing a letter on Bittel's behalf. Virost resigned May 26 and the Facebook group closed.

A new Facebook page, Advocates and Survivors for Kids, was set up shortly thereafter to focus on the "Immediate removal of Fr. Ralph Wiatrowski and all educators at St. Barnabas who wrote letters of support for Bittel, a convicted pedophile," the page states.



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