Hebda Looks at Rebuilding Trust in Archdiocese

July 10, 2015

The interim leader of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis says he expects the church's legal difficulties will be among the most urgent problems he'll need to address.

In an interview with The Associated Press Friday, Archbishop Bernard Hebda also said transparency will be an important part of rebuilding trust in the archdiocese.

Under his predecessor, Archbishop John Nienstedt, the archdiocese was shaken by the clergy sex abuse scandal and subsequent criminal charges against the archdiocese, as well as bankruptcy.

Hebda says he hasn't had time since he was appointed temporary administrator in June to formulate a plan to rebuild the church. But, he says he'll collaborate with a wide variety of people on how best to do that.

He celebrates his first mass in the archdiocese Sunday at the St. Paul Cathedral.








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