Victims Applaud Doc Probe into Predator Priest Pix

August 7, 2015

Statement by David Clohessy of St. Louis, Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 566 9790,,

Shame on everyone involved in the effort to sell photos of Boston’s most notorious predator priest. We hope the Department of Correction’s investigation will be swift but thorough. And we hope the wrongdoers will be caught and harshly punished.

Shame on these callous, selfish people. Shame on anyone who bids on or buys this kind of material.

Last year, in a similar case, a Toledo man is trying to profit from the brutal slaying of a nun (Sr. Margaret Ann Pahl) by selling paraphernalia related to the convicted murderer, a Toledo priest (Fr. Gerald Robinson) who has also been accused of molesting a child.

(Toledo Catholic officials then rubbed salt in Sr. Pahl’s family’s wounds by burying Fr. Robinson as a priest in good standing. And before that, Vatican officials who refused to promptly defrock a convicted murderer.)

So called “entrepreneurs” seek to make money off of these grisly crimes. Shame on everyone involved.








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