New Archbishop Invites Community to Prayer Service

By Krystal Paco
June 29, 2016

While he's being criticized for lack of action, in the latest issue of Umatuna Si Yu'os, Vatican-appointed apostolic administrator Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai assures the community he continues to meet with clergy, religious, and others of the archdiocese including the council of priests and college of consultors. He wrote, "During my meetings and visits I have become aware of the hurt and suffering that is present in the archdiocese and would like to assure the people of God that all the clergy will work together for the unity of this local church and that prayers will be offered for those who have experienced suffering and pain in the past; for healing, strength, and renewed hope for the future."

On Saturday, Archbishop Hon also invites the community for a prayer meeting for unity set for 7:30 p.m. at the Agana Cathedral.








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