Uniting Church Apologises to Abuse Victims

March 10, 2017

More than 2500 incidents of child sexual abuse have occurred in Uniting Church institutions in Australia, leading to $17.5 million in compensation payments to victims.

Australia's third largest Christian denomination has apologised to victims abused over the last 40 years in the Uniting Church or in its three predecessors.

Church data released by the child sex abuse royal commission reveals there have been 2504 incidents or allegations of child sexual abuse at an institution or place of worship since the church was established in 1977.

The church has paid $17.5 million to settle 255 abuse claims, counsel assisting the commission Angus Stewart SC said on Friday.

Uniting Church in Australia president Stuart McMillan apologised to children in its care who suffered sexual abuse.

"We are and I am deeply sorry that we didn't protect and care in accordance with our Christian values for those children," Mr McMillan said.

"I want to acknowledge the impact that it's had in the lives of those young people and to say I am truly sorry.

"Our commitment to you is we will seek to make amends and ensure that others don't suffer in the same way that you have."








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