We confront Bon Secours head nun over Mother and Baby home horror

By Patrick O'connell
Sunday World
March 12, 2017

Bon Secours head nun Sister Marie Ryan refused to speak of the horror of the 796 Tuam babies, many believed to have been buried in a cesspit at the Mother and Baby home, when confronted by the Sunday World.

As the Sisters of the Bon Secours face calls for the order to be disbanded and its €152 million private health care empire handed over to the State, we tracked down the most senior member of the Order to her Cork home. 

Asked by the Sunday World to comment on allegations in the High Court that she "as is the norm for the Bon Secours sisters – is lying through her teeth" about what levels of knowledge the order had over the fate of the Tuam babies, Sr. Ryan replied with a terse "no comment".


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