Anglicans Reveal Child Abuse Confessions

By Megan Neil
7 News
March 22, 2017

Confession should not be used to cover up child sexual abuse, a senior Anglican official says as the church affirms that confessions are invalid if an abuser will not go to the police.

Unlike the Catholic Church where the seal of confession cannot be broken, the Anglican Church in Australia's position is that there is scope to disclose child sexual abuse.

The Anglican Church's general synod in September will be asked to abolish any church rule that would require a member of the clergy to keep a confession of child sexual abuse confidential, its Professional Standards Commission chair Garth Blake SC says.

The unanimous view among the bishops is that is an appropriate way for the church to move, Mr Blake told the child abuse royal commission on Wednesday.

The canon will have to be adopted by the 23 dioceses but Mr Blake said there was a will to do that.

The general synod in 2001 endorsed a committee's determination that if a child abuser refused to report their crime to the police, their confession was invalid and therefore the seal requiring confidentiality did not apply.

"I was satisfied that the confession could not be used as a cover-up," Mr Blake said.

Mr Blake said the principle stood until contrary advice protecting the seal emerged in 2013, which led to a canon being passed at the 2014 general synod to ensure no rule of the church prevented the disclosure of child sexual abuse.

Mr Blake said an issue has arisen as to the canon's validity but that will be addressed at the September general synod.

Confession is not commonly used in the Anglican Church, Australia's Primate and Melbourne Archbishop Philip Freier said.

"It certainly is not anonymous in that we don't have, as probably people might conjecture from movies, a confessional box or some other place," he said.

Archbishop Freier said there is already a restriction on who within the church is authorised to hear child abuse confessions, which is limited to learned ministers who are well informed on the matter.

Sydney Archbishop Glenn Davies said private confessions are not common in his diocese.

"Matters of child sexual abuse would certainly be reported to the police and the matter would be reported to the bishop, most likely by a minister, if that occurred," he said.








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