Advocates for Victims of Clergy Abuse Say the Church Is Focused on Looking after Itself

By Clare Quirk
The Standard
April 5, 2017

ADVOCATES for sexual assault victims say recent comments by the Catholic Bishop of Ballarat demonstrate the church’s focus is on protecting itself rather than the crimes committed on south-west children.

Bishop Paul Bird refuted calls to remove plaques which include the name of disgraced bishop Ronald Mulkearns. He told The Standard it was important to accurately record historical events where the community had gathered to celebrate with Bishop Mulkearns.

South West Centre Against Sexual Assault manager Mary Clapham said the bishop’s comments had illustrated the difficulty the church had in acknowledging the harm the clergy had done over many decades. She said part of the problem of sexual abuse within institutions was that the hierarchy was much more focused on protecting the church rather than acknowledging the harm and criminality done.

“There is no mention of the children, and many who are now adults, who have been impacted by the sexual offending that has occurred and what’s particularly disappointing is the comments about ‘lets look at the whole person here and remember the good’. I would think that people who have been impacted by sexual abuse would find that quite disturbing.”

Ms Clapham said those who enabled crimes to be committed against children, by either moving priests around, making it hard for children’s voices to be heard or by turning a blind eye contributed significantly to the harm done.

She said part of the reason for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was because of the church’s inability to respond to abuse committed by the clergy.

“Now what is being demonstrated is their continued reluctance or resistance to actually acknowledge how the Catholic Church, as an institution, played a very big part in the sexual abuse of children within their scope,” she said.

Churches and schools within the diocese have been discussing removing historical plaques out of respect for the hundreds of victims.

St Colman's in Mortlake and Warrnambool's St Joseph's primary schools have decided to remove the plaques or remove Bishop Mulkearns’ name from the plaques.

Anyone needing help should call South West Centre Against Sexual Assault on 5564 4144 or 1800 806 292.








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