The Deeply Unsettling Trailer for Netflix’s ‘the Keepers’ Is Here

Pedestrian TV
April 19, 2017

[with video]

If religious paraphernalia creeps you out - think white ceramic Virgin Marys and crucifixes - then the first trailer for 'The Keepers', a Netflix original docuseries that's already being tipped as the next 'Making A Murderer', will send a big 'ol tingle down your spine.

A seven-part series, it'll delve into the mysterious death of 26-year-old Baltimore nun Sister Cathy Cesnik, who went missing during a Friday night shopping trip in November 1969 and whose body was discovered months later, her life snuffed out by blunt force trauma that police believe was caused by either a brick or hammer.

Information from friends, relatives, former colleagues, journalists, sexual abuse survivors, government officials and other crime experts help build on several key theories about her murder (a long-held one is that she was killed to cover-up sexual abuse within the Catholic church) in the Ryan White-doco which, frankly, looks equal parts fascinating and creepy.








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