Former priest convicted of raping boy released from prison

Fox 25
July 28, 2017

BRIDGEWATER, Mass. - Former priest Paul Shanley, who was convicted of raping a boy in 1980s has been released from prison after completing his 12-year sentence, the Department of Correction said Friday.

The release comes as protesters vowed to demonstrate outside the Old Colony Correctional Center in Bridgewater on Friday.

A listing on the Sex Offender Registry Board shows Shanley will be living in Ware.

Shanley was a "street priest" who ministered to alienated youth in the 1960s and '70s. Decades later, dozens of men came forward and said Shanley had molested or raped them. He was defrocked by the Vatican and convicted of raping a boy at a Newton parish.

Sexual abuse victims say they're concerned the 86-year-old Shanley will not have enough supervision after he's released.

He'll be monitored by probation officials, but isn't required to wear an electronic monitoring device.

They are also calling for changes to the standards for people who are being released from prison. Gov. Charlie Baker said that's something the state will be looking into.

"I know people who were horribly affected and damaged by Paul Shanley, and I think this is an issue we're going to take a good look at," Baker said. "I don't have an answer for you right now because it just happened, but certainly reviewing the standards with regards to that is at the top of our to-do list."

Shanley has been placed on the sex offender registry as a level 3 offender and has been ordered to stay away from children under 16 when he's released.


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