Former Priest Launches Challenge to Stop Trial on Charge of Indecent Assault of Young Boy

Irish Examiner
July 31, 2017

A former Catholic priest has launched a High Court action aimed at stopping his trial on a charge he indecently assaulted a young boy more than thirty years ago, writes Ann O'Loughlin.

The man who has been sent forward to face trial before Dublin Circuit Criminal Court claims he is at risk of not getting a fair trial.

It is the man's case the DPP has allowed an unexplainable delay to occur in the prosecution of the case. The case, he also claims, has not been dealt with in an expeditious manner.

He claims he was charged with the offence more than three years after a complaint was made to the Gardai.

It is also claimed that the man cannot get a fair trial because certain documents and records which the man had sought were destroyed.

He also claims that he has been denied fair procedures.

In proceedings against the DPP the man seeks an order prohibiting further prosecution and a declaration his rights to a fair trial and fair procedures have been breached.

The application came before Mr Justice Seamus Noonan today. The Judge granted the man permission, on an ex-parte basis, to bring his challenge and adjourned the case to October.








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