Child safety trumps sanctity of Catholic Church's confessionals

The Age
August 18, 2017

It is understandable that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Australia is resistant to the recommendation by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that priests be legally compelled to report to police information received via the confessional. But the church's hostility is not reasonable, and legislators should implement this and other recommendations in the commission's Criminal Justice Report, one of the publications flowing from the four-year investigation.

Transgression of the centuries-old seal of the confessional (the duty of priests to never divulge what penitents have confessed) is penalised with automatic excommunication. The commission has heard evidence of the misuse of the confessional. Priests guilty of serial child rape have used it to seek absolution before repeating their crime. Predatory paedophile priests have used it to groom victims. The commission concludes: "The report recommends there be no exemption, excuse, protection or privilege from the offence granted to clergy for failing to report information disclosed in connection with a religious confession."

That is a just and logical proposal. Notwithstanding the separation of church and state (which protects religious freedom, entrusts lawmaking to the polity and enshrines a secular society), priests, like everyone else, are not above the law. Mandatory reporting is seen as effective in other professions that work with children. Tradition per se is an insufficient argument against change. The priority is the protection of children. The seal of the confessional has protected paedophile priests.

The commission's other recommendations include: allowing multiple victims to give evidence against a single alleged abuser; increased sentences for historical offences; criminalising an institution's failure to protect a child or report abuse; and stronger anti-grooming laws. The rule of law – and the associated principles that we are all equal under the law and that justice is blind – is fundamental to our social, economic and political stability. In this case of a clash between canonical law (law stemming from papal edict) and statute, it is in the public interest that child protection trump all other considerations.

It is impossible to know precisely how many children might have been saved from being raped and otherwise abused in the absence of the confessional seal. Perhaps, though, the case of Queensland Catholic priest Michael McArdle is instructive. In an affidavit, he said he had confessed to child abuse as many as 1500 times to 30 priests over a quarter of a century. He was regularly told to go home and pray, which lifted his guilt "like a magic wand". 

Some priests may feel they face an invidious choice between excommunication and jail. That discomfort, while comprehensible, pales in comparison to the damage protected priests have done to children.


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