Statement from Bishop Campbell

By Bishop Frederick F. Campbell
Diocese of Columbus and Church of the Resurrection
December 21, 2017

It is with deep shock and sadness !hat we have learned of the death of Fattier James Csaszar, pastor of the Church of !he Resurrection in New Albany, who

took his own life yesterday in Chicago.

On November 7, Father Csaszar was placed on an administrative leave by the Diocese of Columbus after diocesan officials were made aware of excessive

and questionable text and telephone communications with a minor and potential misuse of church funds while serving as pastor of St Rose Parish, New

Lexington. Following a diocesan review of the matter, the New Lexington Police were contacted and all information was turned over to !hem and the Ohio

Bureau of Criminal Investigation for !heir review; an investigation was being conducted at the time of Father Csaszar's death.

We are reminded throughout sacred scripture that God our Father is loving, merciful, compassionate and forgiving. We also know that in his years of priestly

ministo; Fr. Csaszar did many good things for the people that he served in his parish assignments. And so we ask !hat eveo;one pray for Father Csaszar, his

family, friends, and parishioners during this most difficult time.

The Most Rev. Frederick F. Campbell

Bishop of Columbus

Fr Lumpe will be holding a prayer service/Mass tonight at 7pm at Church of the Resurrection








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