Pornography Is Fueling Epidemic

Albert Lea Tribune
December 28, 2017

“For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light.” — Luke 8:17

Recently, the issue of sexual abuse has come to light in a big way. We first became aware of it with the clergy abuse scandals, and now it has been extended to include big name politicians, Hollywood celebrities, high profile news anchors, as well as many others in positions of power who have been exposed by their multiple victims. This issue was never limited to one segment of society. In fact, we are finding out that sexual abuse, in its many forms, tends to cut across all of society, including our schools.

Sadly, we are reaping what we have sown. Pornography has been a major factor in fueling this epidemic. I once heard it said that pornography was hard to define, but you know it when you see it. Even the innocent are constantly exposed to various forms of it from the checkout lines at stores to the bombardment of ads we see daily in print media, television and on the internet. This is roughly a $12 billion a year industry in the U.S. alone and has very long tentacles, that by design, have drawn the unwary deeper and deeper into it. This has resulted in devastating effects on marriages, relationships and family life in general. It has far surpassed the level of being an epidemic, yet it gets very little play from the media, politicians or even faith communities. Sadly, there are many in places of power who do all they can to assure it continues unabated.

The natural result of this epidemic is evidenced in the fact that when human dignity is removed, women in particular are viewed as objects to be used and not seen as persons to be loved, made in the image and likeness of God. Just as we cannot effectively treat a disease without knowing the underlying cause, nor can we expect persons to treat others with love and dignity when rotten seeds have been sown among us. There seems to be wide evidence of this and we must all work together to change the culture that has led to it.

“God assigns as a duty to every man, the dignity of every woman.” — St. John Paul II

Scott Bute









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